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This life i’ll be independent!

🇧🇷This life i’ll be independent!

목표 는 자수성가 입니다 / The Goal is to be Self-made / My Goal is to Achieve Success on My Own
Kim daham / Sora Minha
🇰🇷Manhwa,Adaptation,Childhood Friends,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Game,Historical,Isekai,Romance,Royal family,Slice of Life,Survival,Tragedy,Video Games,Villainess
Chapter 2
Goal-nya adalah memperkaya diri bersama SUAMI!! (Secretvivi)

🇮🇩Goal-nya adalah memperkaya diri bersama SUAMI!! (Secretvivi)

KAYA bersama SUAMI!!❤💖
Daham Kim / 소라, 민하 (Sora, Minha)
Info!! ++
Self-Made Lady

🇧🇷Self-Made Lady

My Goal Is to Achieve Success on My Own / The Goal Is to Become Self-Sufficient / 목표는 자수성가입니다 / The Goal Is to Be Self-Made
Kim daham / Sora Minha
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shoujo(G),Adaptation,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Isekai,Magical Girls,Reincarnation,Romance,Royalty
Chapter 32