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The Player Who Can't Level Up [Official]
Level-Up Motaneun Player / Player Who Can't Level Up / The Player That Can't Level Up / Игрок, который не может повысить уровень / 无法升级的玩家 / 레벨업 못하는 플레이어
GaVinGe / Parrot Kim / Tae_A / PARK Jungjae / Studio Khit
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shounen(B),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Beasts,Demons,Fantasy,Full Color,Magic,Martial Arts,Monsters
Bongyeok Geumyeon Gwonjang Manhwa
본격금연권장만화 / The Real Antismoking Campaign Manhwa / The Real Smokers Manhwa
park tae jun
Shounen(B),Action,Romance,School Life
Hannamdong K-House
漢南洞K-HOUSE / 花樣 K-HOUSE / 青山ケイハウス / 한남동 케이하우스
park tae jun / hannamdong k-house 3
🇮🇩The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor (Official)
Dalbic Jogaksa / Dalbich Jogagsa / Dalbin Jogaksa / El Legendario Escultor de la Luz Lunar / Legendary Moonlight Sculptor / Legende du Sculpteur Crepusculaire / Legendinis Mėnulio Apšviestas Skulptorius / Moonlight Engraver / Легендарный лунный скульптор / ประติมากรนักล่าแห่งแสงจันทร์ / 달빛 조각사 / 달빛조각사
Grimza / Kim Jun Hyeong / LEE Do-gyeong / NAM Heesung / Kim Tae-Hyung / PARK Jeong Yeol / SHIN C
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Seinen(M),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Comedy,Cooking,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Game,Magic,Martial Arts,Monsters,Romance,Sci-Fi,Video Games,Virtual Reality
🇮🇹How to Fight
Viral Hit!
Taejun Pak / Park Tae Joon / Kim Junghyun
🇰🇷Manhwa,Action,Comedy,Drama,Martial Arts
🇮🇩The Player Who Can't Level Up [Official]
Level-Up Motaneun Player / Player Who Can't Level Up / The Player That Can't Level Up / Игрок, который не может повысить уровень / 无法升级的玩家 / 레벨업 못하는 플레이어
Gavinge / Parrot Kim / Tae_a / Park Jungjae / Parrot kim / Studio khit
🇰🇷Comic,Manhwa,Shounen(B),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Beasts,Demons,Fantasy,Full Color,Game,Magic,Martial Arts,Monsters
🇮🇩How To fight
Ssaumdokak / 如何戰鬥 / Bagaimana cara bertarung
Park taejun / Kim jung hyun
🇬🇧Manhwa,Action,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Martial Arts,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
Park Tae-jun
🇰🇷Webtoon,Action,Bodyswap,Comedy,Drama,Full Color,Martial Arts,School Life,Slice of Life
Juvenile Offender
Jeong Jong-Taek / Park Tae Jun
🇰🇷Comic,Manhwa,Shounen(B),Action,Drama,Full Color,Psychological
🇮🇩Loser Life (Official)
Life Completely Ruined / Loser Life / Loser's Life / Жизнь неудачника / ชีวิตเวรเอ๊ย / 人生存亡 / 人生崩壊 / 囧途人生 / 인생 존망 / 인생존망
PARK Tae Jun / JEON Sun-Wook
🇮🇩Diary of Desire (Official)
Desire Diary / Diary of Desire / Tales of Greed / 欲望日記 / 욕망일기
KIM Joo-in / PARK Taejun Webtoon Company
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Seinen(M),Drama,Horror,Mystery,Psychological,School Life
🇮🇩How to Fight (Official)
Viral Hit / Hit viral / How to Fight / I Can Fight Better / Kenka Dokugaku / Self Taught Fight / Ssaumdoghag / Ssaumdokak / Борьба в прямом эфире / นักสู้ทูปเบอร์ / 喧嘩独学 / 格鬥實況 / 直播风暴 / 싸움독학
PARK Taejoon / KIM Jung hyun
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,Drama,Romance,School Life
Lookism {Offical}
Park Tae Jun/ PTJ COMICS
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Shounen(B),Action,Bodyswap,Delinquents,Drama,Full Color,Martial Arts,School Life,Supernatural
🇮🇩Juvenile Offender (Official)
Chokbeop Boy / Delincuente Juvenil / الحدث الجاني / อาชญากรวัยเยาว์ / 觸法少年 / 촉법소년
Man's Story / Park Taejoon / Jeong Jong-Taek / Park Tae-Jun Comic Company
🇵🇱The Player that can't Level Up
Level-Up Motaneun Player / Player Who Can't Level Up / The Player That Can't Level Up / Игрок, который не может повысить уровень / 无法升级的玩家 / 레벨업 못하는 플레이어
Gavinge / Parrot kim / Tae_a / Park jungjae / Studio khit
🇰🇷Comic,Manhwa,Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Beasts,Demons,Fantasy,Full Color,Magic,Martial Arts,Monsters
외모지상주의 / Lookism
PARK Tae Jun
🇰🇷Manhwa,Violence,Bodyswap,College life,Comedy,Crime,Drama,Martial Arts,Philosophical,Psychological,Romance,Supernatural
🇮🇹The Player Who Can't Level Up
Pakkot kim, Gavinge / Tae_a / Park jungjae / Parrot kim / Studio khit
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shounen(B),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Beasts,Demons,Fantasy,Full Color,Magic,Martial Arts,Monsters
🇫🇷Juvenile Law
소년법칙 / Laws of the Good Child
Park Tae Jun
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Seinen(M),Shounen(B),Action,Delinquents,Drama,Revenge,School Life
🇵🇱Baek XX
Mr. Baek
Park Tae Jun, Byeong Jang, Park Tae Joon Company / Punch Kick
🇰🇷Manhwa,Seinen(M),Mature,Action,Drama,Full Color