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Alice in Murderland
Kakei no Alice / 架刑のアリス / 架刑的爱丽丝
Yuki Kaori
となグラ! / となグラ! / 亲爱芳邻 / 相邻为伴 / Tonagura!
kakei hidetaka
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Harem,Romance,School Life
🇨🇳The corporate slave daughter marries the dragon-slaying knight and lives in another world without being able to go home
社畜令嬢は竜殺しの騎士に娶られる 異世界で家にも帰れず限界えっち / shachiku reijō wa ryū-goroshi no kishi ni metora reru i sekai de ie ni mo kaerezu genkai etchi
Kakei Garandou
魔界破坏儿 / NORA / NORA-ノラ- / NORA―ノラ― / Nora: The Last Chronicle of Devildom
kakei kazunari / nora 6
Sekai de tadahitori no mamono tsukai ~ tenshoku shitara maou ni machigawa remashita
Sekai de Tada Hitori no Mamonotsukai: Tenshoku shitara Maou ni Machigawaremashita / Sekai de Tadahitori no Mamono Tsukai ~ Tenshoku Shitara Maou ni Machigawa Remashita / The Sole Monster Tamer in the World, ~I was Mistaken as the Demon King When I Changed My Job~ / El único domador de monstruos en el mundo, ~Fui confundido como el rey demonio cuando cambié mi trabajo~ / 世界でただ一人の魔物使い ~転職したら魔王に間違われました~ / 세계에서 유일한 마물술사 ~전직했더니 마왕으로 오해받았습니다~
Kakei Senri / Dojima Norio
I’m the Only Monster Tamer in the World and Was Mistaken for the Demon Lord (Official)
The Sole Monster Tamer in the World, ~I was Mistaken as the Demon King When I Changed My Job~ / El único domador de monstruos en el mundo, ~Fui confundido como el rey demonio cuando cambié mi trabajo~ / Sekai de Tada Hitori no Mamonotsukai - Tenshoku shitara Maou ni Machigawaremashita / Sekai de Tadahitori no Mamono Tsukai ~Tenshoku Shitara Maou ni Machigawa Remashita~ / Единственный Укротитель монстров в мире. Меня ошибочно приняли за Короля демонов, когда я сменил профессию! / 世界でただ一人の魔物使い ~転職したら魔王に間違われました~ / 世界上唯一的魔物使~转职后被误认为了魔王~ / 세계에서 유일한 마물술사 ~전직했더니 마왕으로 오해받았습니다~
Kakei Senri / Doujima Norio
Shinkakei Lovers
進化系LOVERS / Group Evolution Lovers / Shinka Kei Lovers
hoshino masami
🇰🇷Trip Trap (Decensored)
트립 트랩
Kakei Kei
Kakei no Alice
架刑のアリス / 架刑的爱丽丝 / Alice in Murderland
yuki kaori
Surebrec -NORA the 2nd-
Surebrec / Surebrec - Nora the 2nd / SUREBREC NORA the 2nd / SUREBREC-NORAthe2nd- / Surebrec: Nora the 2nd
kakei kazunari
Isekai de Tadahitori no Mamono Tsukai ~ Tenshoku Shitara Maou ni Machigawa Remashita
世界でただ一人の魔物使い ~転職したら魔王に間違われました~ / 世界上唯一的魔物使~转职后被误认为了魔王~
Kakei Senri
Gacha LOVE Kareshi (Kari)
Gacha LOVE Kareshi (Kari) ~ Koibito Wa Midarana Keiyaku de / Slot Machine Boyfriend / Slot Machine Boyfriend: Sexy Contract With A Lover / ガチャLOVE彼氏(仮)~恋人は淫らな契約で~
Kakei Asato
Kindan Lovers
初恋相手と子作り婚 モブな私が突然 御曹司に見初められました!? / Hatsukoi Aite to Ko-tsukuri Kon Mobuna Watashi ga Totsuzen Onzoushi ni Misome Raremashita!?
KAKEI Garandou
となグラ! / となグラ! / 亲爱芳邻 / 相邻为伴 / Tonagura!
kakei hidetaka / tona-gura! 59
🇯🇵Ore ga Ω de Omae ga α
I'm Ω and You're α / 俺がΩでお前がα
Kakei garandou / 筧伽藍堂
🇯🇵Manga,Yaoi(BL),Smut,Omegaverse,School Life
🇯🇵Married to my non-human husband and loved to my core every night... Anthology
Jingai No Danna Sama Ni Metorare Maiban Naka Made Ai Sareru…. Anthology / 人外の旦那様に娶られ毎晩ナカまで愛される…。アンソロジー
Koame / Ame / Ueto Asami / Alice Nekokura / Sanzoku / Kakei Garando / Suguri Haruru
Sokoni Osuwari!
そこにオスわりっ! / 大小姐的训狗技巧 / Soko ni osu wari! / Soko ni Osuwari! / soko ni osuwaritsu
kakei hidetaka
Surebrec - Nora the 2nd
Surebrec / SUREBREC NORA the 2nd / SUREBREC-NORAthe2nd-
kakei kazunari
となグラ! / となグラ! / 亲爱芳邻 / 相邻为伴 / Tonagura!
kakei hidetaka
Shounen(B),Ecchi,Comedy,Harem,Romance,School Life,Slice of Life
🇯🇵Hatsukoi Aite to Ko-tsukuri Kon Mobuna Watashi ga Totsuzen Onzoushi ni Misome Raremashita!?
初恋相手と子作り婚 モブな私が突然 御曹司に見初められました!?
KAKEI Garandou
🇯🇵Shachiku Reijou wa Ryuu Goroshi no Kishi ni Metorareru - Isekai de Ie ni mo Kaerezu Genkai Ecchi
社畜令嬢は竜殺しの騎士に娶られる 異世界で家にも帰れず限界えっち
KAKEI Garandou